Sydney's 9 month check up was this past week. He is unbelievably strong, but tiny...not even in the 5th percentile for height or weight, though he is nearly 25% for head circumference. I always knew he was a smart one! :-) He is very bright, though, and the doctor was surprised and pleased to see how strong he is. Steve keeps thinking tennis, and I, the resigned track coach, keep thinking sprints and long jump...we'll see. He gets to make up his own mind.
Another reason why I haven't been on the blog any time recently is because I made a promise to myself to get back to the gym, consistently, during the summer. It is always harder to accomplish consistency when I am in the school year, but during the summer, opportunity's always knocking. So, Sydney and I play, nurse, nap, play, eat, play, swim, play, nurse, nap. Daddy gets home and he plays while I make dinner, and then we all eat at the same time. After bath time and bed time, I head to the gym. It is late, and there have been a few times where my late workout has disrupted my sleep, but I like it. The gym is empty and I get to do my thing. My running has come quite far in the short amount of time we've been out of school. I intend to keep it up. Nothing makes me feel as good after a workout as a run. Besides, Steve and I are planning on running a 5K in August. Granted, it is only a little over 3 miles, but I haven't done actual workouts in over a year, so...I'm pretty proud of myself. It is beginning to show, too. I haven't really lost weight, but I'm lifting weights at the same time to help tone, and things are tightening up and clothes are getting looser, so I'm not too worried at the moment. Muscle weighs more than fat, and muscle burns more during rest than fat, so as long as I keep up the weights, I'll continue to burn more even while I sit here and blog.
I did take a slight interruption for a stay-cation - we rented a house on the lake for 3 days. It took us only 35 minutes to get there and the directions had 2 turns. That's it. So simple and beautiful. It's a private rental property, furnished with everything and it was so very nice to just get away. We decided against our visit to DC, considering Steve's possible pending job change. This was quite nice and we'll definitely go back at some point. Sydney loved the water. The float we found was very cool, including the toys attached for him to play with. Let me know what you think of the pics. Don't you love his shark swimsuit?
Some excellent news - one of my best friends from graduate school is returning, kind of, to me! Melissa and family chased career opportunities and moved back north shortly after graduate school. We click on so many levels that I consider her a sister and we've always been able to pick up exactly where we left off, even if we didn't keep in touch for more than 6 months. I am very excited that she's moving more in this direction, though she'll still be 5 hours or so away, it is a far cry from the 2 day drive to the northern midwest. Yay!
Last, I'm sitting in 75 degree weather - gorgeous night. Clear, low humidity, and comfortable. The sounds of the crickets is punctuated by our neighbors' air conditioning units, though I think it is comfy enough to open the house up tonight, and premature fireworks. I do not have any lights on except the kitchen sink light. I have citronella candles lit. Very relaxing, very comfortable, very necessary. Sydney's asleep, and Steve is at a friend's house watching the UFC championship. I think because I've been on this gym kick I haven't really taken down time for myself. The gym is 'me time,' but it is still amped up. I still listen to fast-paced music on the way there to get my blood going so I can run for 40 minutes. This, instead, is so nicely calming. I've missed it a great deal.
Add the punctuating bottle rockets and sparklers. Add the glow from my two candles, and my cranberry juice in my cup holder. Add the ripple, even, from the neighbor's pool. Add the cloudless sky, and the lack of light pollution in this remote back yard. This is so nice. Nothing is missing, for the moment. Happy Independence Day, faithful readers.
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