It's been a wonderful, rejuvenating two weeks off with my baby boy, who, by the way, is no longer a baby. Today, he officially put his own shirt completely on without assistance from me. Rather bittersweet, but Mommy is very happy and proud of her little boy.
That being said, I've got a handful of pics from the holidays. I hope you enjoy!
Syd and his 'yi-yi' - we have no idea where he came up with the name for his silkie, but here it is. He loves to put it behind his head while he eats. I think he was watching Abby from Sesame Street here. He's just a little obsessed with her at the moment.
A Christmas box! He decided to help Mommy break it down for recycling by playing with... er... in it!
Daddy and Sydney enjoy "Daddy's tookies" after work, one day. Like Father, like son.
Syd was in the holiday spirit as he colored one afternoon.
Mommy and Syd Christmas morning.
Syd is dressed for family visiting Christmas Day. Like his new green shoes? He kept asking for green shoes, but this is all we could find this time of year in his (EXTRA WIDE) size.
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