As my previous post explains, I had a renewal of revelation a few weeks ago - family needs to come first. As it stands, it is a solid revelation that has been proved a number of times this year; recently, we had the addition of a heart attack scare.
Aside from family, though, things have been smoothing out. We finally finally FINALLY had a snow day - the first in over a year. My students were delighted to learn that the snow day threw off my plans, so we'll be starting research after the Writing SoL in two weeks, rather than this week. And I, thinking I was catching Syd's cold, am trying to see the silver lining in being laid up with something worse than a cold. But I can only presume I was pushing myself too hard, again, and this is a way to force me to, yet again, take a step back and breathe deeply.
So, rather than leading my first class of the day through a review of their most recent benchmark test and then putting in to practice tips for the writing portion of the Writing SoL, I am laying on my bed, throat swollen so much it is painful to swallow coffee, feverish, headache, and waiting for my doctor appointment this afternoon. I am sorry to miss today - I enjoy my AP seniors a great deal and, though I'm not a fan of Wuthering Heights, I truly enjoy our class discussions on the novel. I can relish the fact that, though they'll probably ignore my sub plans for the majority of the day, I get to tell them on Tuesday that I sat back and watched The Princess Bride while I was laid up. They've been begging me to incorporate that in to the Advanced Placement curriculum - Although I can't justify watching the movie in class, I can certainly enjoy the fact that something I loved when I was a tween/teen is still popular, and it doesn't make me feel quite as old as they usually do!
Cheers, everyone - May you find the effulgent lining in your sick days, too.
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