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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Track Meets and Swinging

Syd had a field trip yesterday. He had a glorious time going to Feet Meet - a Special Olympics sponsored track meet for little ones. Here he is with his best friends, Z & H. We call them the 
"Three Amigos" 
and they are truly attached to each other.

Here, he is showing off his blue ribbon.
He had a perfect day!

We were able to finally get his swing set up. It took a bit of finagling, but it is safe and he should be able to get hours of entertainment out of it. And best, he won't have to bide his time at the park any more w/ other kids who love the swing as much as he does. His visible concentration is because he's practicing pumping on his own so Mommy doesn't have to push. He's not quite there, but it won't take long.
Syd's first year of preschool is coming to a close. It is amazing the changes that have taken place w/ our little one. I am thankful he's more independent and able to do things on his own so I can get more accomplished. I look forward to continuing to help him grow and develop. I am excited for what changes and challenges and victories are yet to come.
But I will never forget my precious baby. 
And he will always be my precious baby.

Do not cry because it is over --
Laugh because it happened.
Dr. Seuss


  1. He is such a cutie- and so big! I miss him (and all of you!) so much!! I've got to get down to VA sometime soon!

    1. We miss you, too!! All of you! Things seem to move at such a break-neck speed these days. Hugs and kisses to everyone! XOXO
