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Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Circa 1993.

The place: my old high school: AP Biology class

The topic at hand was biorhythms.

Ever since the classes where we calculated our own biorhythms, I've been intrigued by them. Do I believe them? Kind of and not really - rather paradoxical. If I'm feeling REALLY good, or just plain lousy, I'll check my biorhythm. I don't have to calculate my own any more. There are a plethora of websites that will do it for you. I use this one, though this one is pretty cool because it gives numbers instead of ratios.

Last week, on a whim, I looked up where I currently stood on my chart. And then I made the mistake of looking 2, then 3, then 5, then 7 days ahead to where I would be the week of exams. Ouch. That's all I have to say. I was not looking forward to putting forth the mental effort to grade exams with what my bell curves said.

But at the same time, I was determined that no stupid computer program could possibly tell me how I felt and would feel. Now, keep in mind, the biorhythms don't necessarily dictate what will happen (this isn't the same as astrology...). Instead, it is more of an indicator of how you will react to what DOES happen to you, physically, emotionally, and intellectually. And I still was determined not to let a computer tell me how I'd be feeling.

I thought I had beaten the idea. I checked the website on Thursday of last week and saw a steady downturn on my charts, but I had a really great Sunday with Steve and Sydney. So, the charts were wrong, right? Well, I've been in a bit of a funk the last two days. I put on a cheery exterior because, hey, it's the end of the school year and I should be very thankful that I'll have a whole 2 months with Snickerdoodle where we can play, learn Italian, and play some more. But is my funk a result of the subconscious being more powerful than I initially thought? Or is the biorhythm truly accurate?

Check yours out and let me know where you stand. Watch it for a few days, my readers, and, seriously, let me know if you think this is a bunch of poppycock or not...

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